Decorate your walls with black and white photos

Decorate your walls with black and white photos

I love black and white, I love symmetry and I love large frames so I decided to combine those three loves to create a stylish gallery wall. I’ve displayed favorite pictures of my kids to create a unique storyboard on the dining room wall of our cottage. The black frames look stunning against the white background and the playful photos make a great conversation piece. I bought these five IKEA...

Our love-hate relationship with sectional sofas

Our love-hate relationship with sectional sofas

Decorating the walls around sectional sofas can become a nightmare.Sectional sofas - we love them because they’re nice and big and they’re perfect for the whole family to snuggle together to watch TV. On the other hand, we hate them because they're big and bulky, take up lots of floor space and never fit perfectly centered against a wall.

First, place your furniture then hang your art

First, place your furniture then hang your art

Place Furniture before you hang your artWhen decorating, a room is not entirely finished until the art is up on the walls. It's just like a pretty outfit is not complete without earrings or a necklace. But before you start hanging things up, think of your furniture layout first - it will make it easier to find the perfect spot for your art.

How do I know what size of picture to buy for my walls?

How do I know what size of picture to buy for my walls?

This is one of the most popular question we get from our readers, so I thought I’d share it on our blog to help out others who have trouble figuring out what size of art is appropriate for their wall space.

The easiest and fastest way to hang a canvas

The easiest and fastest way to hang a canvas

Hanging one canvas on its own is usually pretty straightforward. Where things get complicated is when you want to hang a group of them together. The thought of lining up three or more canvas in a perfect row is unthinkable for most of us.

Picture hanging tip: how to display your frames

Picture hanging tip: how to display your frames

Gallery hanging pastelsI love sharing tips and tricks with our blog readers - this simple tip will save you time and potential mistake holes too. When hanging more than one picture frame, start by placing your frames on the floor to figure out the best possible arrangement.

How fast can you hang pictures? Ready, set, race!

How fast can you hang pictures? Ready, set, race!

We all know how frustrating hanging pictures can be, and often pictures can sit on floors for months before homeowners get the nerve to tackle this daunting task.

5 frames – 5 looks

5 frames – 5 looks

5 framesYou buy the perfect size of frames to frame pictures of your family, vacation or pets. When the time comes to hang them, you're feeling confused because you don't know where to begin.

How to hang 3 picture frames in a perfectly straight row

How to hang 3 picture frames in a perfectly straight row

Plaid artHanging three picture frames in a perfectly straight row is easier than you think. This is the perfect type of wall arrangement to hang above a long piece of furniture such as a dining table, a hutch or a headboard because the art mimics the shape of the furnishings below. Here's what I did.

How to use snow spray – yes, fake snow in a can

How to use snow spray – yes, fake snow in a can

Snow sprayIf you're cringing at the thought of using fake snow in your house because you think it's tacky, I'm hoping that this post will change your mind. Sometimes, all is needed is a little fake snow to get that perfect winter wonderland look.

Bedroom décor: What to hang above a headboard

Bedroom décor: What to hang above a headboard

Bedroom headboardIn most cases, the bed is the focal point of a bedroom which includes the space above the headboard. And choosing what to hang in that space can very a real challenge.

Use frames to hide an architectural eyesore

Use frames to hide an architectural eyesore

P&P blackIf you hate hanging pictures, you'll LOVE these frames. Meet our brand new picture frames called Place&Push. At first glance they may look like any other frames but they're not. The big difference is in the way you hang them - you simply push the frames into the wall to hang them.

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