How fast can you hang pictures? Ready, set, race!

We all know how frustrating hanging pictures can be, and often pictures can sit on floors for months before homeowners get the nerve to tackle this daunting task. Well, this year we’ve completely reinvented the way to hang pictures by designing frames that you simply push into the wall to hang them. Those magical frames are called Place&Push Frames. Their built-in hangers make it super easy and fast to hang frames exactly where you want. There are no tools needed or complicated measurements involved.
To demonstrate how easy it is to hang our new frames, we did a fun race showcasing the traditional way of hanging pictures and the new way, the Place&Push way.
Meet our two serious contestants from our office. On the left is Chris, our marketing manager, and on the right is Mike, our designer director. Both gents have lots of experience with hanging pictures because that’s what we do at Under The Roof Decorating – we design tools that take the hassle out of hanging things on walls.
No spoiler alert here – watch this video to see what happens next. Note that this race took place in real time, there was no fudging with the clock.
On your mark, get set, ready, GO!
What do you think? Pretty amazing, isn’t it?
Are you ready for the new way? Be part of the picture hanging revolution. As part of the launch of our new frames, we’re offering a 40% discount coupon. Hurry, so you, too, can get the Place&Push experience. The offer expires at midnight on Friday January 13, 2017. You can purchase the frames directly from our online store using the code – Friday13. I almost forgot, you get FREE shipping too. This is too good to pass up.
Are you curious about the new frames? See what’s included in the box of frames and how they work.
Liette Tousignant
C0-Founder of Under The Roof Decorating
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