Gallery wall of baby cuteness

If you love this gallery wall, but the thought of hanging 3 picture frames perfectly straight terrifies you, you’re not alone! We understand, and we’re here to help! So, how do you hang frames without damaging your walls? Place&Push frames are the answer! As the name says, you simply push the frames into the wall to hang them. Forget about hanging pictures the old-fashioned way with a hammer and nails, it’s time for a change!
Here’s how we hung these 3 adorable baby pictures...and it took less than 5 minutes.
Not your ordinary frames
Sure, from the front they may look like any other frame, but from the back, they're completely different! Our Place&Push frames come fitted with snap-in pins that let you easily push the frames straight into the wall to hang them. Once you see how it’s done, it makes complete sense. (Watch this short video to see the frames in action). Not only does this process allow you to line up frames perfectly straight, but there is also no need for a measuring tape, ruler, hammer, or any other tool!
OK, let's hang some pictures and don’t worry - it’s super easy, we just love using lots of pictures.
What’s in the box
- Three solid wood frames held together with cardboard to protect the corners of the frames. Each frame is carefully shrink wrapped to prevent scratches to the frames and glass.
- Spacer Strips (12) - these are white arrows on a black background. They have a low-adhesive backing and you use them to evenly space frames on the wall.
- The yellow mini level helps hanging each frame super straight, it has adhesive backing to stick to your frame when you’re levelling it.
- The six black pins – you insert them into the brackets that are pre-installed on the back of the frames.
First, decide which frame goes in the middle
Place your frames on the dresser or on the floor to play with different display options until you find one you like. We hung the photo of baby Paisley on her stomach in the middle to separate it from the other 2 pictures, of which was quite similar in appearance. By the way, did you know that hanging an odd number of frames is easier than an even number?
Spacing frames
We used a spacing arrow that is 2” long in between our frames to space them evenly. (they're included with the frames) The frames are not too close together, and the total width of our display fits within the width of the dresser to create a well balanced look.
Getting the frames ready to hang
Each frame is fitted with 2 pins, simply snap them into the top corners and you’re ready to hang!
Center the first frame
Hang the middle frame first and center it with the middle of the dresser. As for the height, it all depends on the accessories you’ll be displaying on the dresser. Most people tend to hang frames higher than they need to be, so it’s important to take a step back and assess the wall space. We ended up hanging ours 11” above the dresser.
Place and push the frames into the wall
Center the first frame with the middle of the dresser and position it at your desired height. (We hung ours at 11" above the dresser)
Once the bubble in the level is centered, go ahead and push the top corners into the wall to secure the frame. (The little level we used comes with the frames)
Hanging the 2nd frame
First, stick a spacing arrow to the right of the frame already on the wall. Level the 2nd frame to the same height as the first one. Once you have the right spot, push to secure it to the wall and stand back to asses its positioning.
Hanging the 3rd frame
Repeat the same steps that you did to hang the 2nd frame. Stick a spacing arrow to the left of the middle frame. Level the frame with the middle one, and once you have the right spot, push to secure it to the wall. Remove all the spacing strips and you’re done!
Frames hang flush against the wall
If you use nails or hooks to hang your frames, they will tilt forward. When using Place&Push Frames, they hang flush against the wall, creating a seamless sight line.
Also, since the frames are hanging with 2 pins in the top corners, they stay straight no matter what. There's no need to re-level them after dusting. (we know how frustrating that is).
Add your favourite accessories to complete the look and you're done. As for this IKEA dresser, we replaced the black knobs for classier brass coloured ones. You can see the before picture here!
As for the color of the walls - it’s not pink, it’s not blush, it’s rose! Have a look at “Wow, what color is that” to find out more about this charming rose-y color.
We couldn’t end this blog post without talking about these cute unicorn baby slippers and teddy-bear bookends. They complete the nursery look perfectly, and instantly melt adorable.
You can buy Place&Push Frames directly from our online store.
Thanks for hanging out with us!