Our Top 6 Pins of 2019 (You Told Us So)

What’s the start of a new year without a little bit of reflection? After all, hindsight is 2020. Here’s a look at our year in review from your lens - because you “liked” them on Pinterest. These were our most popular pins.
1. What's the perfect height to hang pictures?
How high is too high? How low is too low? Is there a middle ground? Find out what's the perfect height to hang pictures on our blog. Check out this pin on our Pinterest.
2. How to hang pictures the easy way
Say goodbye to picture hanging headaches. Hang & Level was our highest sold gadget of 2019, and it's no wonder - this tool alone is a game changer. Talk about saving time and your walls all at once. Don't believe us? Check out our blog, or watch this video!
3. Hang stuff anywhere without adding holes
Love the look of a gallery wall, but can't commit to making holes? Great news: you don't have to! DécoMagnets are the damage-free solution to hanging the art you love, and one of the best gifts to give. Check out our blog and click here to see our Pin.
4. How to hang large canvases
Big, bold art can be intimidating to decorate with, but the secret lies in the mighty tools you can trust. Check out our blog on how to fill a big blank wall on a budget, and click here to see our pin.
5. How to hang a wreath on brick walls
Gotta hang stuff on brick walls? Then give DécoBrick all your attention. It's the brick hanger that makes decorating seamless. Just see for yourself! Need step-by-step instructions? Check out our blog.
6. Don't put off your holiday hanging
There are decorations available for virtually any holiday, and Hang & Level makes it a breeze to get things on your wall for changing seasons and reasons. Click here to see this on Pinterest.
We accomplished so much in 2019, and couldn't be more excited to enter a new decade. What's in store for 2020? Guess you'll have to wait and see!