Upcycling is Hotter than Ever

Upcycling is Hotter than Ever

See we gave a second life to these mismatched frames we picked up at a garage sale.Upcycling is a fabulous way to give something a new life. With that said, here’s a little inspiration for those of you who are planning to go curb shopping or back alley surfing this weekend.

Throwback Thursday – Wall Décor on a Budget

Throwback Thursday – Wall Décor on a Budget

In 2010, I was featured on TELUS TV showcasing some innovative ways that you can create huge impact on your walls - not your wallet. We may no longer be in a deep recession, but the economic downturn had a lasting impact on how we live, shop and spend. We still want to create a beautiful and comfortable home we'll love, but we're also looking for ways to trim our spending and balance our budgets. Home décor doesn't have to be expensive. Anything from children's art to cd covers can become art. In fact, some of the most beautiful pieces that have the biggest impression are often the most affordable. Click to view the video.

From the curb to the office: desk chair makeover

From the curb to the office: desk chair makeover

Years ago we bought two black padded desk chairs like the one shown below for our kids. The chairs managed to survive junior high, high school, four years of university and a week on the curb in the back alley when we were ready to get rid of them forever.

Dad, You’re AWESOME!

Dad, You’re AWESOME!

Often the most memorable gifts are the ones made by the kids in our lives. They are the gift ideas that don’t cost a dime, but are made with love and that parents proudly display in their home for years, even after the kids have left the nest. The LEGO movie was such a big hit […]

Displaying Mother’s Day Memories

Displaying Mother’s Day Memories

Every May when my kids were little, I was guaranteed to receive a beautiful handmade Mother’s Day card or painting that they had carefully made at school. I cherish those gifts and special notes so much that I decided to frame a few that I’d received over the years. This is one of them. Since […]

Create sweet valentine art with the kids

Create sweet valentine art with the kids

Here’s a quick and easy wall décor project you can do with the kids, just in time for Valentine’s Day. It makes a unique gift for any of the special Valentines on your child’s list. Be as creative as you want, anything goes. The most important part of this project is to have fun and […]

Frame kids’ art with tape – An easy, cool idea

Frame kids’ art with tape – An easy, cool idea

Why hide the tape behind kids’ art when it can be used as part of the masterpiece? Use a different color of tape to enhance each piece or use the same color throughout. You can even use a few colors per piece. There are no rules, so have fun with it. Choose painter’s tape or […]

Hang Your Vacation Photos for Inexpensive Artwork

Hang Your Vacation Photos for Inexpensive Artwork

A few quick tips for displaying your vacation photos: Consider white frames and mats to frame summer vacation pictures. White looks crisp and classy all year round and fits any décor style. Picking identical frames and mats lets the viewer focus on the pictures rather than the frames. Holiday pictures can brighten up any room […]

Inexpensive and Beautiful Wall Décor Ideas From Better Homes & Gardens

Inexpensive and Beautiful Wall Décor Ideas From Better Homes & Gardens

We’re always looking for unique and inspiring ideas to decorate our walls without spending a lot of money. So, when we ran across these great ideas from Better Homes and Gardens we couldn’t wait to share them with you. Click here to see how you can use beautiful fabric swatches to create an elegant look […]

Wall Décor Ideas That Fit Any Budget

Wall Décor Ideas That Fit Any Budget

You might think it takes a lot of money to have beautifully decorated walls. The truth is artwork does not need to be expensive to be beautiful.

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