Hang Your Vacation Photos for Inexpensive Artwork

A few quick tips for displaying your vacation photos:
Consider white frames and mats to frame summer vacation pictures. White looks crisp and classy all year round and fits any décor style.
Picking identical frames and mats lets the viewer focus on the pictures rather than the frames.
Holiday pictures can brighten up any room in your house:
If your pictures are from a vacation at the beach, the bathroom is the perfect spot for them because they’re bright, fun and related to water. Inexpensive frames are a good choice for the bathroom to prevent damage from the humidity.
Pictures of children can be hung in each child’s bedroom providing great memories for the children and an inexpensive, personal decoration alternative.
We often forget about the laundry room, but what better place to hang holiday pictures? Looking at pictures of your vacation will help the tedious chore go faster, and may just inspire you to plan your next getaway.
Maybe you’ve visited some cafés, or have some great shots of your children eating ice cream or watermelon? Pictures related in some way to food add a personal touch to the walls in the kitchen.
Have fun and display your pictures in the mudroom. It’s a room that gets used every day, and vacation photos are a great way to welcome you home when you’re back to your routine.
Start a holiday wall and add to it every year. Group photos in a hallway or in a stairway.
For more creative wall décor ideas and to watch a quick video for tips and tricks on picture hanging, visit www.utrdecorating.com
At Under The Roof Decorating, our mission is to make picture hanging easy. We design products such as Hang & Level and Déco Nails to help you hang pictures exactly where you want them without making extra holes in your walls.