Space it out right! Tips on evenly spacing picture frames without damaging your walls

People often ask, “how much space should I leave between my frames?” Generally speaking the number of inches between your frames is less important than keeping a consistent distance between all the frames in your gallery.
We’ve found that 2 inches works well in most situations, but if your frames are larger or thicker, then a larger gap may work better, up to 6 inches. To get a sense of what will work for you, start by laying out your frames on the floor and adjust the spacing until you think it looks good.

So how do you ensure that the spacing is consistent as you’re hanging your gallery? There are a few ways of doing so, including using equal sized pieces of painters tape, but we have made it even easier with the development of our SpacingStrips™.
The reusable SpacingStrips are a fast and easy way to make spacing between your items consistent. They have a low tack adhesive so they will stick to the wall and easily peel off without leaving any residue. You can use a single strip in the middle of the frame or one at the top and one at the bottom of the edge of the frame for a more accurate guide.
Want a larger space between items? Use multiple strips together. Once you are done, place them back onto the wax paper and they’re ready for your next gallery wall.
SpacingStrips are available in our DécoEssentials™, or as part of our picture hanging kits and these bundles: Hang & Level with Kit, Decorator’s Choice and Canvas Hanging. Get the tools you need; save money and time.
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-The UTR Team
-The UTR Team On
Hi Anne! Thanks for your decorating question. We like to start with hanging artwork above furniture because it helps to create balance and harmony in a space. Also, it can create a focal point in a room, too. Check out our blog post, “How to hang artwork above a couch” to get ideas about the size of artwork to use and how to hang it. Leaving blank wall space can be calming in a space, but it all depends on your own personal style and the vibe you want to create. Check out these other blog posts for more decorating inspiration, “Easy steps to create vignettes at home” and “My bed is in a corner of the room – where do I hang my artwork”. Happy decorating!
Anne Beesbrook On
I have a wall that is 16’ (192") – in the first 12’ (approx) there is a loveseat that is centered to view the TV on the opposite wall – planning to hang a picture (or group) above the loveseat – but am left with 55" that I am not sure what to do with – do you suggest another picture or should I look to do floating shelves or possibly a hanging plant – tried to attach a pic
The UTR Team On
Hi Jackie! Thanks for your comment; that’s a great question. Generally speaking we like to make sure that artwork is aligned with furniture in the space as they tend to be linked visually. So, we would start by aligning the artwork with the table. This will likely be the best solution aesthetically, but at the end of the day there is no single ‘right’ answer so whatever looks good to you is the way to go. Hope this helps, happy decorating! – The UTR Team
Jackie On
My dining room wall has an open doorway on the far right. My table is centered to the room. Do I hang a set of 4 identical sized pictures centered to the room so that it is aligned with the table, or in the center of the wall not including the doorway?