Add Personality and Style to Your Walls with Art

Artwork is a great way to add life to a room. Choose things, themes that make you happy, allowing your space to reflect who you are. Before shopping for art, think about where it will be hanging in your house to determine the shape of canvas or frame that is needed: vertical, horizontal, square so that the pieces fit well in the space.
What we started with
This is what our little nook looked like before we hung the canvases - it was plain, bare and unfinished. It’s amazing how hanging two simple canvases changed the mood and really brought the space to life.
Displaying the art
While working on your designs deciding how to display the art can be half the battle. We placed the canvases on the floor right in front of the wall where we wanted to hang them, and then moved them around to find an arrangement that would fit the space best. The wall isn’t big, and we wanted the canvases to hang above the chair and small table to tie in the furniture with the art.
Tip: Take a picture of your “floor” art placement once we you’ve figured it out, it will be helpful when you’re ready to hang your art to have the visual handy.
Hanging the art
Height and placement are key, so during the hanging process, we suggest having someone hold up the art on the wall while you step back and assess. Sometimes moving a piece a little in any direction can make a big difference.
Here we wanted the bottom of the French canvas to hang above the chair, yet not too far to ensure the entire artwork is seen. Note that we didn’t centre the art on the wall; instead, we hung it in relation to the furniture sitting below. That said, make sure your furniture is placed exactly where you want it before you start hanging.
We installed a CanvasHanger in each top corner of the canvas to hang it securely to the wall.
Using the small level that comes with the CanvasHangers, find the right spot on the wall, level it, and then push it into the wall to anchor it. If it sounds weird to push something into the wall in order to hang it, have a look at this short 30sec video and you’ll see how much more sense it makes instead of using a plain old nail!
One canvas up, two more to go!
Repeat the same steps as above to determine the placement for the second canvas. Have someone hold it while you assess the height and spacing with the canvas that is already on the wall. Refer back to the picture you took when it was on the floor if needed.
Originally we thought we would hang all three canvases, but when we placed the Carpe Diem above the floral piece it drew the eyes up away from our cozy space. Since the ceiling isn’t particularly pretty, we opted not to hang it.
The 2 tall canvases fill the space perfectly, it’s simple and cozy. We didn’t end up centering the art on the wall, you don’t always have to, the furniture placement determined where to hang the art. Always hang art in relation to the furniture that is sitting below to connect the two together.
P.S. Click here to learn more about the paint color.
Math anyone?
If you love numbers, here’s the size of each canvas and spacing we ended leaving between each piece, and how far away from the floor they're hanging.
Note how flush against the wall the canvases are - since we installed one CanvasHanger in each top corner (2 per canvas) it keeps the art nice and flat against the wall, and will remain straight. No fussing or re-straightening the canvases every time a door is closed shut, phew!
On a decorating note, we absolutely love the throw pillow. It’s the perfect size for the chair and the ruffles add softness to the space and give our little reading nook a shabby chic feel we love.
Test your French...What does it say on the canvas?
Love life, Smile often, Make your dreams come true, Dream of Love, Sing often, Live fully, Think positively, Laugh often, BE Happy! - How did you do on your French test?
Questions? Ideas? We’d love to hear from you! Get in touch with us by leaving a comment below.
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