Make sure your Valentine doesn’t forget about Valentine’s Day!

Here’s my way of dropping subtle hints to my partner that Valentine’s Day is only a few days away.  I know, it’s not so subtle, is it? Well, at least it’s fun.

Some couples like to surprise each other on Love Day, I’m more from the school of ….Chérie, what should we do for Valentine’s Day?


So ladies, gents too, if you feel that the 14th should be celebrated and talked about, why not make use of the calendar for a Valentine reminder? My calendar is  3 ft x 4 ft, so as you can see, it’s hard to miss if you highlight a date on it.


Instead of writing on my beautiful stylish Stendig calendar, I put gold heart stickers around the 14th. Gold because it’s stylish and doesn’t necessarily scream Valentine, and low adhesive stickers because they’re easy to remove and won’t wreck the paper. I’m saving all the pages to wrap presents with next Christmas; it makes beautiful wrapping paper as you can see here.

As I tore off the month of January (I ripped the paper, yikes), it was hard not to notice the 14th. My calendar hangs in the kitchen, so it’s hard for my partner not to notice the glittery hearts around the 14th.

What about you, do you circle the BIG date on your calendar? Is it too much, not subtle enough?


For more Valentine’s Day ideas:

Happy early Valentine’s Day everyone and as I would say in French: “Bonne Saint-Valentin”!

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