How to Create a Zen Studio on a Budget

A whole new decade is upon us! 2020 is full of new possibilities that we couldn't be more excited for. What are your New Year's resolutions? Have goals to better your lifestyle? Ring in the New Year with an inspired meditative space! If you're a yogi, into meditating or simply need a space to yourself to rest and recharge, you'll want to see how we created this inexpensive pop-up yoga studio in our office.
While we'd love to have our own room for a true studio, we're not quite on that level yet. But this is the next best thing! This pop-up zen den is perfect for any spare nook in your house or even in your office. We dedicated a tiny corner of our office for our setup. Since there wasn’t much room available, we used a small patch of floor space tucked away by the windows. We find daylight energizing and we enjoy looking outside while we exercise.
First, we placed a yoga mat on the floor, then we added a few things to create the right vibes. A plant to add life, a decorative statue to instil a sense of calm, a hand-knitted pouffe to sit on or to elevate our feet, and most importantly, inspirational words to keep us motivated. Having a wall that literally speaks to us is motivating and at a glance it quickly reminds us to inhale, exhale, stay calm and focus on what’s important.
Pro tip: to elevate the good vibes, add an oil diffuser and relaxed music to the space. Tuning into all your senses creates the perfect ambiance for feeling inspired. Peppermint and eucalyptus are our go-to scents.
As you can see, the walls were all white so adding a bit of color (well, black) helped warm up the space.
Since our zen space is temporary, we couldn’t put holes in the walls or use thumbtacks. So we used small magnets – DécoMagnets. They’re easy to use and they don't damage walls. A small disc sticks to the wall, while the magnet sits on top of the paper. You place the paper (poster or other item you're hanging) in between the two to hold it up. That’s it! No tools needed and no holes in the walls.
As you can see, the white tops sit beautifully on the paper and become part of the art without obstructing it.
The best part is that the magnets can be easily peeled off the wall. If you need to move your pop-up studio to another spot, you can easily do it without peeling the paint off the wall.
When we first hung up our inspo words, we used black DécoMagnets thinking that we'd like them to disappear in the background. But after trying the white ones, we preferred them over the black. It all depends on the look you want, what you’re hanging and if you want the top of the magnets to be visible or not.
Here’s a more detailed breakdown of how they work:
Place the round disc on the back and the magnet on the front of your piece.
Peel the backing off the disc.
Position your art on the wall and push to stick. The adhesive works really well, it will stick to the wall and stay there until you’re ready to move your paper, poster or whatever it is you’re hanging.
The magnets are strong, they’ll hold a large poster, a calendar, recipe sheets, kids’ art, grocery lists, bus tickets, paint swatches and more. But they’re not strong enough to remove the paint, so don’t worry.
To remove the disc from the wall, simply use the clear pick included to unstick it. There's no sticky residue left behind on your walls.
You can change you wall décor in seconds, and create art vignettes all over the house – not only on the fridge.
If you wanna see the magnets in action, check out this short video:
Do you like our zen den? The only problem now, is that everybody at the office wants to use it! Shop our online store for DécoMagnets.
Namaste, friends!