Glam Up A Bedroom With A Stylish Mirror

If your bedroom lacks pizzazz, add some with a large round mirror – you’ll be amazed how it will instantly glam up your space. This brass finish mirror looks elegant against the dark coloured wall, and the matching brass knobs add bonus style points to this bedroom. Round mirrors are very trendy right now and I’m thrilled I found this one without having to spend a fortune. Now, let me show you how I hung my stylish mirror. *Written by Liette, Co-Founder of UTR
About the mirror
I bought this thin rim brass mirror at Target, and for the price (under $60) it was totally worth it – to get the elegant look I was after. Paired with a bright white IKEA dresser, the overall style is crisp and modern.
As you can see, the mirror is quite big – it’s 28 inches H x 28 inches W and weighs 9 lbs. So, choosing the right hardware was critical to make sure it was safely secured to the wall.
P.S. If you’re superstitious, know that breaking a mirror could bring 7 years of bad luck. Yikes! I certainly don’t want that, so I used a Déco Screw to be sure I had a secure hold and peace of mind.
How I hung my mirror
- On the back of the mirror there was a metal keyhole bracket. I used my Hang&Level tool and hooked it up in the keyhole.
- I used a Déco Screw to hang the mirror – it can support up to 30 lbs so I knew it was a safe choice.
- With the mirror placed on the tool, I centered it with the dresser and placed it approximately 7″ from the dresser surface.
- Next, I removed the mirror from the tool while keeping the tool against the wall. I pressed the single button the mirror was hanging from to mark the exact spot to drive the screw.
- Note: With such a large mirror, having someone who can stand back to guide the height is really helpful.
Testing different hanging heights
After testing different heights, 7″ from the top of the dresser to the bottom of the mirror turned out to be the best distance to hang my mirror. I tried hanging it closer to the dresser and higher, but it didn’t look right. Trust your design preferences, they’re always right.
Warning: Before hanging your mirror, make sure to hang it high enough for you and your partner to be able to see the top of your head in the reflection. I know, it’s common sense but it happened before where the gent was 6’4″ and she was 5’4″, the height was perfect for her but not so much for him. Details! Details! I’m not just about style, I need function, too.
I started with one lamp but two looked better – they frame the mirror nicely and add an elegant symmetry to the space.
To add extra glam to the dresser, we changed the black knobs it came with for bright pulls to echo the brass rim of the mirror. It’s such a small change but it’s amazing how it completely transformed the dresser. It went from blah to WOW and gave the dresser a much more expensive and sophisticated look.
Click here for helpful tips on how to choose the right knobs for your dresser.
I love this mirror so much that I regret not buying 2 of them. I guess it’s a good excuse to go back to Target.
I chose fresh daffodils to add a bright pop of color to the bedroom. After all, spring is coming and nothing says spring like a patch of sunny daffodils.
Tools used in this project
If you’d like to buy Hang&Level and Déco Screws, head to our online catalog.
Thanks for stopping by! I hope you’re having a great day.
Liette Tousignant
Co-Founder of Under The Roof Decorating