Wallpaper Design Lovers Delight

If you have time to squeeze in a DIY this weekend, this one is for you. It’s easy peasy — no Martha Stewart skills are needed to recreate this look. As you may know, runway fashion influences everything and anything we buy for our home. Since grey has become the new white in the fashion industry, we paired different shades of that color with a soft yellow, white frames, and a fun black and white polka dot carpet to create the trendy budget-friendly look we were after.
About the wallpaper and frames: We had leftover wallpaper remnants from a bedroom we decorated earlier this year, which were perfect to make some unique artwork. We gathered some small white frames we already had and replaced the pictures with our wallpaper scraps. We used adhesive spray to mount each piece we had carefully cut like we did in this blog post. Using all white frames against the grey walls creates a fresh, crisp, and cohesive look.
How to hang your frames: I always arrange frames on the floor before hanging them. It’s a great way to determine the order to display them in and helps eliminate any mistake holes in your walls. Asking someone to hold a frame to allow you to step back to assess your arrangement is very helpful too.
Here’s the order in which we hung each frame: We started by hanging the frame at the bottom, then left to right. Step back after hanging each frame, to check and to modify the spacing or hanging height as you go. We used Hang & Level to hang each frame — it’s the perfect tool needed if you want to avoid the Swiss cheese look for your walls.
Tip to perk up the look: If this monochromatic look is too bland for your taste, perk it up with a brightly colored throw pillow. A bright pink cushion, orange, bright green or purple would work — try it out and take a picture to confirm your choice. You’ll see right away if the color works or not.
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Do you like wallpaper art? Is this a project you would do in your house?
Liette Tousignant
Co-Founder of Under The Roof Decorating