When hanging a gallery – number your frames

When hanging a gallery – number your frames

Gallery wallHere's a simple tip that will save you time and headaches too. When hanging a grouping of identical frames, number the back of the frames from 1 to 9 (or however many you're putting up) starting with the one on the right, top row, second row right to left, and bottom row right to left.

Creating a gallery on a small wall space

Creating a gallery on a small wall space

This narrow wall in my daughter’s bedroom was begging for attention. It looked bare and unfinished compared to the rest of the room. Although it’s a small wall space, it was a challenging one to style. The wall is narrow, sandwiched between two doors and has two light switches and an electrical outlet. I tried placing a small dresser against the wall to cover up the switches, but it felt...

Tips for hanging a group of pictures

Tips for hanging a group of pictures

  This arrangement of frames is the sort of display that looks great over furniture such as a sofa, headboard, hutch, dining table, or an office desk. You can recreate this look with these easy steps without any fear of messing up your walls.  Here’s how: Start by placing your frames on the floor to figure out the best possible arrangement. This will also help you determine the right spacing between...

1 Sofa, 7 Frames, 7 Looks

1 Sofa, 7 Frames, 7 Looks

  When I saw this Gallery Perfect Kit, I just had to buy it. It was affordable, comes with three sets of images, white mats, and all the frames are thin and black, which would look great in any décor scheme, no matter the style or color. To get started, I was inspired to recreate the look shown on the packaging, but once I was done I challenged myself and came up...

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