Create a Gallery Without Measuring or Marking Your Wall

Would you believe it took us less than a minute to hang this gallery? We’re not kidding! We even have a video to prove it, check it out to see the magic happen.
It's weird to say - but you push the frames into the wall to hang them (take a look)
If you thought you’d never be able to hang anything this complicated looking, think again! As seen in the video, the new hanging system built on the back of the frames allows you to push them into the wall to hang them. Yes – just a simple push and that’s all it takes to decorate your walls!
Once you’ve tried this new way of hanging pictures you’ll never go back to the old fashioned way of hanging things. Why would you? As seen, there’s no need for a hammer, nails, pencil, paper or a measuring tape - it’s all done visually. The frames and the new hanging system is called… you guessed it… Place&Push Frames!
So…which frame goes up first?
To begin, we started with the first frame on the far left (the highest point) and worked our way to the right. Before you start, decide how low or how high you want your completed display to be. We wanted ours to hang above the books but not too high so it could still be appreciated while sitting and without having to look way up. We kept the spacing small in between frames to make it easier to see the full image of the iconic Statue of Liberty easy. There's nothing like a little NYC on the walls, it's a great conversation piece.
A great tip is to make your display on the floor before hanging it. This gives you a visual sense of your arrangement, and you can take a picture of it to use as a reference during the hanging process.
With that said, be creative and build your own display without worrying about restrictions or rules.
Frames are flush against the wall
Since the frames are pushed into the wall, there’s no tilting of frames or unsightly wires, or sawtooth hooks, everything is beautiful and flush against the wall. Take a close look at the images, we’ve completely eliminated seeing the hardware on the back – one less thing to worry about!
There you go - we’ve proven that hanging multiple frames without ruining your wall is not only achievable, but straight-forward easy.
To buy Place&Push Frames, go straight to our online store!
Happy “early" Independence Day to all of our friends from the USA!
What's hanging on your walls?
Thanks for hanging out with us!