How to keep picture frames hanging straight on a wall

Trying to keep picture frames straight on a wall can be a real challenge. But take heart - there are solutions available! Choose carefully though, some options are only temporary fixes, some are more damaging to walls than others and some choices will cure the problem.
People use tacky wax, silly putty, sewing needles, double sided tape or any type of tape folded on itself to hold the bottom corners of their frames in place. Here are my top 3 solutions to keep frames straight.
A frame with a picture wire
Keep the wire fairly tight so your art will hang flush against the wall reducing the chances it will shift. In addition, using 2 picture hooks or nails will distribute the weight of the piece and help it stay straight.
Silicone bumpers
Place them on the bottom corners of your frames. Their gummy texture will stick to the wall without damaging the surface.
AnchorPoints™ - no more crooked frames
AnchorPoints are an easy, long term solution. Simply hang your picture on the wall using a nail or screw, and then stick two AnchorPoints to the back of the frame, one in each of the bottom corners, with the pins facing the wall. Make sure your picture is hung, level and in the exact position you want it. Then firmly push the bottom of the frame into the wall. Your frames will stay straight even when dusting or in a busy household. Check out this short video to see them in action.
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Liette Tousignant
Sharon Wilson-Smith On
I like that you suggested using 2 picture hooks to make sure that the weight of your picture frame is going to be distributed equally when you hang it on the wall. This is something that I will make sure to remember because I’m planning to order custom picture frames that I can use to decorate our living room. I want to make sure that the picture frames are going to look organized in our living room because I don’t want others to find our wall messy. Thanks for sharing this.