How to Hang Outdoor Decorations on Vinyl

From boring, bare front porch to Welcome Home, folks! Forget the holes, the drill, or the tape. All you need is DécoVinyl™ to hang your outdoor décor.
Ever feel like it’s impossible to win with vinyl siding? It’s either you can’t find the right tool to secure your outdoor décor with or it’s wrestling with the idea of drilling holes in the siding. Yikes! Neither are ideal. Well, we’re here to tell you that it IS possible to easily secure your décor on vinyl and without any holes in the making! DécoVinyl hangers are the answer.
Watch this short video and you’ll see what we mean.
Before and after
2 types of DécoVinyl heads
DécoVinyl comes in two head types: hook and button. So which head should you use? It all depends on what you’re hanging and the type of hardware that’s on the back of your items. We’ll show you how we hung our decorations using both types.
Here’s the order in which we hung things:
1. The mailbox
2. The wreath
3. Welcome Home sign
The mailbox: DécoVinyl Button
The mailbox is the first thing we hung and is the anchor to our entire wall display. Back in the day, your mailbox would always be fixed in one spot and no one really thought to relocate it. But if it’s not drilled into the wall, we can move it. This is ideal if you want to clean your siding or want to switch out the mailbox for another one.
Without DécoVinyl, this mailbox would be a nightmare to hang. You’d have to drill your holes perfectly, so that they line up to have a straight and level mailbox. There isn’t much room for error in this case. But with DécoVinyl, you can hang it the easy way - no holes, no damage, and a lot more breathing room.
Since our mailbox came with two keyholes in the back, it only made sense to use the DécoVinyl with the button hooks - it was a perfect match! Like shown in the video, scoop the hook under the siding. Don’t worry, it won’t damage the siding in the slightest bit and this little guy is designed to hold a lot of weight - up to 15 lbs. That’s about the equivalent of 15 cans of soup. Small, but mighty!
Steps to hang the mailbox:
Two DécoVinyls are needed for the mailbox:
1. Hang one DécoVinyl on the right side of the siding. Scoop the hook under the siding to insert.
2. Hook the mailbox on the right side.
3. Hang the second DécoVinyl on the left side of the siding. Scoop the hook under the siding to insert.
4. Scoot the hook down to line it up with the second keyhole on the mailbox.
5. Hook the mailbox on the left side.
Important: Make sure the mailbox is exactly where you want it, because everything else will be placed in relation to it. Remember, the first item you hang will be the anchor for the rest of your display.
And that’s it! What an easy application, huh? And it didn’t require any complicated measuring or fancy tools. Best of all, you can do it all yourself. Save your money and time, and skip hiring someone to do it for you. It’s so refreshing to now know that you can update your décor to match the changing seasons without stressing over how to hang them or if any damage that will be done to the siding.
The wreath: DécoVinyl Hook
We used the DécoVinyl hook head for our wreath since it was light and we wanted to make sure it didn’t fall off from the wind.
If you had a Christmas wreath with ornaments on it and the wind picked up, the last thing you’d want is for your ornaments to break from a fall. Using the DécoVinyl hook head will hang your items safely, so no need to worry about flyaways or breakage.
Our wreath didn’t come with a hook on the back, but it didn’t matter. A quick solution is to use a zip tie to make your own hook.
Once you’ve made a hook with a zip tie to connect the wreath to the wall, follow these steps:
Steps to hang the wreath:
1. Make sure the zip tie hook is large enough to fit around the DécoVinyl.
2. Scoop the DécoVinyl under the siding to hang.
3. Hook the zip tie on the DécoVinyl hook.
We can’t make up how easy it is. It’s just that simple! We decided to hang the wreath to the right of our mailbox.
Welcome Home sign: DécoVinyl Button
Wooden signs like this one are so popular they’re everywhere. It’s no wonder because just look how gorgeous they are! But the downside is that they’re a pain to hang because most of the time, they don’t come with any hardware on the back, so you’re left wondering how to hang them.
Not to worry, though. DécoVinyl button hooks work perfectly with this sign and we used two hooks. Why? Our sign is long. If we used only one hook in the middle, the sign would easily go crooked. Every time the door opens and closes or if the wind picks up, the sign could go lopsided. That’s why we placed two hooks on either end of the sign. They don’t need to be touching the exact corners - just a few inches apart and it’ll still work to keep the sign in place.
Steps to hang Welcome Home sign:
1. Scoop one DécoVinyl under the siding.
2. See how far apart you want to space your second hook.
3. Scoop the second hook under the siding and hang the sign.
Note: Remember that you can always slide the hooks left or right as needed on the siding too.
Wasn’t that easy?
We weren’t sure if the sign was going to be centered with the mailbox, so we played around sliding it back and forth to see what looked best. It’s super simple to adjust in case you don’t love how the way things look the first time.
It took us almost no time at all to hang these three beautiful pieces on our vinyl wall. And best of all, NO HOLES were made in the process. We love how easy DécoVinyl is to use and it’s so much fun to be able to decorate your outdoor space as often as you want.
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-The UTR Team