How much does my artwork weigh?

Artwork comes in all shapes and sizes and sometimes it can be hard to estimate how much it weighs, so you can select the right picture hanger for the job. Use this easy tip to find out the weight of your artwork, and get it hung up securely.

Use the bathroom scale
Most of us have a bathroom scale and it can be used to quickly figure out the weight of your artwork. Stand on the scale with the picture and record the number. Then, stand on the scale without the picture and subtract that number from the first - and that’s it - you have the weight of your item. Now you can select the right picture hanger for your artwork and the wall surface.
Tip: At the store, check the picture hanger package to verify it will hold the weight of your item and that it is appropriate for the wall surface where you are hanging the artwork - for example, drywall or plaster.

Size can be deceiving
Canvas art is a great way to decorate your walls and it’s so easy to find pieces that really speak to you. You may feel nervous about hanging a big piece because you want to make sure that it will stay put. However, keep in mind that most canvases, even very large ones, weigh less than 6 lbs. For comparison, a gallon of milk is about 8 lbs. Because canvases are lighter compared to an equivalent sized framed picture, you have lots of options to hang them on the wall securely.

Check out CanvasHangers™
We designed CanvasHangers to work with any size of canvas art, with a secure hold up to 20 lbs (9 kgs) in drywall. They are easy to use. Install hangers on the top two corners of the canvas (nails are included). Take the canvas to the wall. Find the right spot and push it into the drywall. That’s it! Place. Push. Done! You’ll love how easy it is to line up multiple canvases together - visually. So creating a gallery wall becomes a fun experience instead of a chore. Check out this video showing how we filled a big wall with canvas art in minutes.

Decorating, simplified™
We love making it easier for everyone to decorate their homes. Since creating the picture hanging tool Hang & Level™, we’ve designed a full line of products that work together to simplify how to decorate walls. Check out our full product line here.
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-The UTR Team