Picture Hanging Tips for the Bathroom

Every room in your house can be beautifully decorated, including the bathroom. Learn how to easily create a focal point by hanging pictures above the towel bar.
What size of art is best?
Display one large piece or a combination of pieces that are at least 2/3 or equivalent to the towel bar’s width.
Center artwork above the towel bar
Placement is important. Don’t hang your art too close to the bar as it could get damaged every time you reach for a towel and don’t hang it so high that it’s floating on the wall. Test a few different heights, and select the height that looks best to you.
Humidity is art’s enemy
Humidity from hot showers and baths can damage your artwork so choose pieces that can easily be replaced, or are moisture-proof.

Use the right picture hangers
Safety is key when hanging a piece with glass in the bathroom. Be sure it’s fastened securely to avoid an accident. Alternatively, replace the glass in the frame with plexiglass, which is more impact resistant. We’ve designed a number of products that make picture hanging easy. Check out our picture hanging kits for a variety of fastener options that all hold securely in drywall.
Keep your pictures straight
We’ve designed AnchorPoints™ to keep picture frames from moving on the wall. They are simple to use. Adhere them on the bottom corners of your frame with their pins pointing toward the wall. Hang your frame using a secure method, level it and push the AnchorPoints into the drywall. The frames won’t move, even while dusting or wiping away moisture.
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JAnet STeigerwalt On
How many inches should you hang a picture over a towel rack?