"Can you install a picture hanger anywhere in drywall?"

We love getting questions about picture hanging from our customers. Here’s one we were asked: “Can a picture hanger be installed anywhere in drywall?” There are lots of different hangers out there for different kinds of picture hanging, so as long as you have the right solution, you should be able to hang your picture anywhere on the wall.
Here are a few tips to consider.
Match your hanger to the decor
It’s important to know how much your decor item weighs so you can select a hanger that will hold it securely. Picture hanging hardware is made for various surfaces, such as drywall, plaster and wooden surfaces. Each hanger has a weight limit, which is the maximum weight of an item that it can securely hold. To be safe, select a hanger that can hold a bit more weight than the item you want to hang. Check the package to make sure it will work on the surface you have and support the weight of your picture. If it’s unclear, reach out to the store associate for help.
Tip: use your bathroom scale to find out how much your picture weighs. First, record your weight. Then, hold the picture and stand on the scale to get that number. The difference between the two numbers will be the weight of your decor.
Lighter items
Small pictures, canvas art and lighter items can safely be hung using a nail in drywall or a typical brass picture hanger. You won’t need to find a stud. Install the nail at a 45 degree angle and select a nail with a head (not a finishing nail) to better grip the picture hanging hardware.
Mirrors and other heavy items
For any large and heavy items you’ll want to make sure you have a hanger that is rated for heavy items, and follow the installation instructions on the package. This may include installing an anchor into drywall, or installing the nail or hanger directly into a stud. Our DécoScrews are designed to securely hold 30 lbs in drywall and is a screw and anchor in one. It can easily be installed using a screwdriver.
NOTE: You can also hang larger decor using two nails or screws, which provides more stability when hanging these kinds of items, but this does not mean that you can double the weight recommended for a single nail or screw.
Do I need to use a stud?
A common question is whether or not you need to hang an item using a stud, and the short answer is “no”. While driving a nail or a screw into a stud does give it extra strength, the truth is that the studs are not always positioned in the location you want to hang your picture.
As long as you have a hanger that is designed to support your item in the wall surface you are using, and is rated to hang the weight of the item, you should have no problem.
Fasteners designed for drywall
At UTR Decorating, we’ve designed three different fasteners - DécoNails™, DécoHooks™ and DécoScrew™ that securely hold pictures and wall decor in drywall without using a stud.
And, If you want to avoid mistake holes, our Hang & Level™ picture hanging tool marks exactly where to put the nail or screw. Check out our full picture hanging product line here.
We love designing products to make decorating easy and help people create spaces that bring them joy. Click on the live chat below or email us at: questions@utrdecorating.com, and we’ll do our best to help you Create the home you love™
-The UTR Team
The UTR Team On
Hi Vickie! That’s a great question. The blog post is about hanging pictures indoors. For hanging items outdoors, it is best to confirm your wall construction e.g. stucco, hardwall – and then go to your local hardware store and get help to find the right hanger for the wall and the weight of your item. Happy decorating! -The UTR Team
Vickie Gilbert On
Can I use these on the wall outside on my balcony?