How high to hang pictures

Which eye level is the right one? His or hers? If you have no idea how high to hang your pictures, don't sweat it. This is one of the most frequently asked decorating questions we get, so you're not alone. Since there's no one-size-fits-all rule, your pictures’ perfect height will vary depending if your art is viewed from a standing or sitting position.
As a rule of thumb, when pictures are mostly seen by people who are standing in areas such as hallways and foyers, hang your artwork so the center hangs at 60” to 66” from the floor. This is a comfortable height for most people, whether you’re over 6’ 3” or 5’ 6”.
Speaking of eye level, we thought it was funny that 60" to 66" lined up with our cat canvas' eyes!
On the other hand, when you're hanging pictures in a room where you spend most of your time sitting, such as the dining room, living room, or office, you'll need to judge the right height from a sitting position. The best way is to sit across from where you want to hang your piece, and have someone move the art up and down before you decide where it looks best. It should hang low enough that you can enjoy the art from where you’re sitting without having to look way, way up.
It may sound complicated but it’s not and it truly works!
Do you have any picture hanging tips you'd like to share? We're listening! Leave your comment in the box below.
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